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You will achieve the best possible results by going by boat with your teacher since the first day: the new sailing boat Laser Bahia, that  can carry till five persons and is stable and easy to steer, will enable you to deepen your knowledge of theory and practise while you sail. After learning the bases on a simple boat, you’ll try sportive boats as Rs Quest and Laser Radial while the instructor will follow you with the inflatable boat using videocamera to film your sailing.

Duration recommended: 5 days (10 hours)

Regarding group courses we allow you to start the course when you prefer by booking the lessons during the season day by day depending on the availability of our planning. There are no fixed dates for the beginning of the courses.

V1 – Beginner
Wind: light, 1-4 m/s

Program: Sailing theory, rigging of the boat, points of sailing, helmsman role, crew role, steering, tacking, jibing, capsizing, safety rules, meteorology notions.

 Sailingboats employed: Bahia, Laser Radial, Pico, Rs Quest

V2 – Improving Level
Wind: average. 2-6 m/s

Program: Sailing theory, points of sailing with average wind, helmsman role, crew role, steering, tacking, jibing, capsizing, harness use, safety rules, applied meteorology.

 Sailingboat employed: Bahia, Laser Radial, Laser Standard, Rs Quest

V3 – Advanced
Wind: average-strong. 3-8 m/s

Program: Sailing race: tactic and strategy, rigging of the boat, technique in strong wind, specialisation helmsman or crew roles, spinnaker.

Sailingboats employed:
Laser Radial, Laser Standard, Rs Quest

Test L1 – Beginner:
1 day (2 hours) € 70,00

L1 – L2 – L3
2 days – 4 hours € 140,00
3 days – 6 hours € 200,00
4 days – 8 hours € 255,00
5 days – 10 hours € 310,00
6 days – 12 hours € 360,00
7 days – 14 hours € 415,00

– To consider a course like a group one, it’s necessary to have minimum 3 participants.
– If 1 or 2 participants of a group course have a lesson alone with the instructor, not because of their choice, the lesson will be done but the duration will be shorter:
if there is only one student, the duration is calculated by adding 100% to the actual time (the student will do 1h of lesson instead of 2h), if there are two the lesson is calculated by adding 50% to the actual time (the students will do 1,20h of lesson instead of 2h).
– The lessons include practice and simulation
– Prices could be subject to variations
–  Prices include all the equipment needed
– It is necessary to book the lessons in advance contacting us by phone 0039 335 225054 or by email

T o take part in a course or a lesson you need to become member of CSEN (Centro Sportivo Educativo Nazionale)  for this season (5,00€). You need also to become member of FIV (Italian Sailing Federation) if you make more then one lesson:
– for new members not Italian  € 10,00 for 8-17 years old,  € 15,00 for more than 18 years old.

Tabo Surf Center is affiliated with VDWS (German International Federation).

At the end of a course your level can be certified by one of the two Federations paying 25,00€ more for VDWS and for free for FIV.


VK1 – Beginner, 5 days (7,5 hours) 
Wind 1-4 m/s

Program: Sailing theory, plays with sailingboats, points of sailing with light wind, tacking, jibing, applied metereology.

Sailingboat employed: Bug, Pico, Bahia

Test VK1
– 6-12 years old (1,5h): 50,00€

2 DAYS             3 hours 3 DAYS     4,5 hours 4 DAYS      6 hours 5 DAYS  7,5 hours 6 DAYS       9 hours 7 DAYS   10,5 hours
VK1- Beginner € 100,00 € 142,00 € 182,00 € 221,00 € 257,00 € 296,00
VK2- Improving Level
VK3- Advanced level

– To consider a course like a group one, it’s necessary to have minimum 3 participants.
– If 1 or 2 participants of a group course have a lesson alone with the instructor, not because of their choice, the lesson will be done but the duration will be shorter:
if there is only one student, the duration is calculated by adding 100% to the actual time (the student will do 45 min. of lesson instead of 1,5h), if there are two the lesson is calculated by adding 50% to the actual time (the students will do 1h of lesson instead of 1,5h).
– The lessons include practice and simulation
– Prices could be subject to variations
–  Prices include all the equipment needed
– It is necessary to book the lessons in advance contacting us by phone 0039 335 225054 or by email


To take part in a course or a lesson you need to become member of CSEN (Centro Sportivo Educativo Nazionale)  for this season (5,00€). You need also to become member of FIV (Italian Sailing Federation) if you make more then one lesson:
– for new members not italian € 10,00 for 6-12 years old

Tabo Surf Center is affiliated with VDWS (German International Federation).

At the end of a course your level can be certified by one of the two Federations paying 25,00€ more for VDWS and for free for FIV.


You will achieve the best possible results by going by boat with your personal instructor since the first day: you will be able to try the roles of helmsman and crew with Breva (16 knots) in full safety, you will be allowed to try different sailingboats during the same course (Laser, Rs Quest, Dart 16) and you can book the lessons freely during the season. (lesson’s validity is 1 year).

Price List

1 hour 2 hours 4 hours 5 hours 6 hours
1 pers. 70 140 255 310 360

– The prices for Private lessons are with the instructor onboard. If the instructor use the motorboat a contribution for the fuel will be charged for each lesson (10€).
– The lessons include practice and simulation
– Prices could be subject to variations
– Prices include all the equipment including wetsuit, life jacket, harness and shoes.
– It is necessary to book the lessons in advance contacting us by phone at 0039 335 225054 or by email at

To take part in a course or a lesson you need to become member of CSEN (Centro Sportivo Educativo Nazionale)  for this season (5,00€). You need also to become member of FIV (Italian Sailing Federation):
– for new members not Italian  € 10,00 for 8-17 years old,  € 15,00 for more than 18 years old.

Tabo Surf Center is affiliated with VDWS (German International Federation).

At the end of a course your level can be certified by one of the two Federations paying 25,00€ more for VDWS and for free for FIV.


Are you between 8 and 17 years old? Don’t miss our Camps.
Learn and deepen sailing sports in direct contact with nature and share the experience with peers having the same sporting interests.
For both beginners and experts, the instructors do not place limits on learning, but aim to achieve the best possible level by also providing for the transition to the next level if necessary.

Tabo Surf Center has got 10 sailing boats for rent: Laser Radial, Laser Pico, RS Quest, Catamarano Laser Dart 16, Laser Bahia

Tabo Surf Center has got 10 sailing boats for rent: Laser Radial, Laser Pico, RS Quest, Catamarano Laser Dart 16, Laser Bahia

To be sure of the availability of the boat is necessary to book calling 0039 0344 94062 0r 0039 335 225054
For the rental we need the identity document of the helmsman and a deposit of € 100,00


1 hour  2 hours 1/2 day (2-4 hours)
Laser Pico (1 pers.)  € 24  € 36  € 48
Laser std.(1 pers.)  € 26  € 39  € 52
Laser Pico (2 pers.)  € 29  € 43  € 58
RS Quest (2 pers.)  € 45  € 65  € 90
Dart 16 (2 pers.)  € 45  € 65  € 90
Laser Bahia (3-5 pers.) € 58 € 73  € 98


5 hours 5×2 hours 10 hours 10×2 hours
Laser Pico (1 pers.)  € 105  € 158  € 187  € 281
Laser std.(1 pers.)  € 114  € 172  € 203  € 304
Laser Pico (2 pers.)  € 128  € 189  € 226  € 335
RS Quest (2 pers.)  € 198  € 286  € 351  € 507
Dart 16 (2 pers.)  € 198  € 286  € 351  € 507
Laser Bahia (3-5 pers.)  € 255  € 321  € 452  € 569

The rental includes life jackets.
It’s possibile to rent also the wetsuit , the shoes and the harness:

1 day 1/2 day 1 day
WETSUIT 6,00 € 8,00 € 10,00 €
SHOES 3,00 € 4,00 € 4,00 €
HARNESS  5,00 € 7,00 €  8,00 €
 KIT (WETSUIT,SHOES, HARNESS)  9,00 € 12,00 €  13,00 €


  •  1. For the rental of sailing boats it is necessary a deposit of 100€ and of an Identity document to leave in the reception during the rental.
  • 2. The rental of the boat depends on the valuation of the customer’s sailing level by the staff of Tabo Surf Center. The rental can be refused by the staff if the level is not sufficient. If the rental starts (the boat is launched by the beach) and the staff becomes aware of the lack of skills for the present condition in the water, the staff can stop the rental immediately and the customer has to pay the half of the price of the rental.
  • 3. Tabo Surf Center delivers the boat completely rigged and ready to sail with the proper regulations for the current conditions. The customer has to check the sailing boat and trim it as he likes according to the conditions he will find in the water. No complaints on the rigging will be accepted after the starting of the rental.
  • 4. During the lauching of the boat the rudder has to be pulled down as soon as the water is enough deep to avoid that the blade forces on the rudder head. When landing, the customer has to lift up the blade of the rudder and the centreboard in the shallow water before they touch down the bottom. Possible problems with the working of rudder and centreboards have to be communicated before launching.
  • 5. There’s no insurance for damages on the sailing boat. The customer has to check the boat before the starting of the rental and to inform the staff about any damage noticed filling in a proper form. The customer will be responsible for the damages at the end of the rental and has to pay for the reparation, depreciation or replacement of the material.
  • 6. The rental starts from the launch of the boat and finishes when the boat comes back on the grass. The customers have to help the staff to prepare the boat and to move it at the beginning and at the end of the rental.
  • 7. The boat has to be launched in deep water.
  • 8. At the end of the rental the boat has to be stopped at the buoy next to the cane thicket.

Subscription: for the reservation of the first lesson we need the payment in advance of the CSEN affiliation (€ 5,00), prerequisite for participating in any course, and a deposit. To know the right price send to an email or send us a request and we will send you by email the amount depending on the course choosen.

The amount paid will not be refund in any case. The CSEN affiliation will last 1 year from the date of the subscription while the deposit can be used within 12 month from the payment. The credit not used within that date will be not recoverable and will therefore be lost. The same thing is valid for the courses already paid that expire after 12 month from the date of the subscription. The hours left after the expiry date will be lost and can’t be recovered.

The payment is possible with:

– Bank transfer:  TABO SURF CENTER SSD SRL, IBAN: IT60 J056 9651 3190 0000 2193 X22, BIC/SWIFT: POSOIT2103A
The expenses of the transfer have to be paid by the customer. If not the expenses will be charged to him at the reception when the service will be given.

– Credit Card trough Pay-by-link Nexi: we’ll send you a link to do the agreed payment (ask to the reception for paying). It’s not possible to use this payment for the Camps.

NB: Once the payment has been made, it is necessary to send an email to with the receipt of the payment, specifying your data (name, surname, phone number, date and place of birth, nationality, address , post code, city and province) and the days chosen.